Course Aims:
This Course supports Participants with an intellectual disability in developing:
- literacy through reading, writing skills and forming simple sentences
- numeracy skills using numbers from 1 to 100
- job ready skills
- general communication skills
- social and behavioural skills
- general study skills
- coins and notes recognition and usage
- self-esteem and self-worth
The Course is an avenue for Participants to build and maintain literacy and numeracy in a formal structured learning environment with aims to provide skills and knowledge which are transferable into future employability skills. The Course is also a way to pathway informally into other Certificate I and II Courses.
Learning Pathways:
There are no formal pathways from the Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy. Latrobe Lifeskills does recommend that Participants completing the Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy, may then choose to continue their studies in 22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education or 22566VIC Certificate I in Work Education. The Course supports the development of skills and knowledge in literacy, language and numeracy as identified as being required for future volunteer work, work experience and for engaging within the community.
Pre-requisites / Entry Requirements:
Entry to the Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy & Numeracy is intended for post compulsory school age participants with evidence of a permanent cognitive impairment / intellectual disability. Evidence of permanent cognitive impairment / intellectual disability could include (for more information, refer to Certificate I in Transition Education Accredited Course Guide:
- Formal assessment by a registered medical practitioner
- Doctors / specialist reports
- Attendance at a Specialist School / SDS
- Integration support at school
- Integration support at school with modified curriculum
- NDIS Plan
Participants in the Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy & Numeracy course will have been identified as having a disability/disabilities or special needs that impact on their ability to learn and/or rate of learning. Participants entering the course will, through their Pre-Training Review and Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment, have demonstrated the minimum foundation skills (based on the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)) Levels to successfully undertake and complete this course. Participants may be asked to attend for a trial period to ensure the course is suitable for their needs and interests.
Training Delivery:
Fully classroom based and face-to-face supervised training delivery and assessment.
The course is delivered over 1.5 years on a part-time study basis. Lifeskills will provide a timetable and schedule prior to commencement of training.
Training is provided by Latrobe Lifeskills with State and/or Federal Government funding.
Unit Code & Title | Core/Elective | |
VU22907 Read simple phrases | Elective | |
VU22908 Write simple phrases | Elective | |
VU22909 Communicate orally using simple phrases | Elective | |
VU22910 Read simple sentences | Elective | |
VU22911 Write simple sentences | Elective | |
VU22912 Communicate orally using simple sentences | Elective | |
VU22915 Count and use numbers up to 100 | Elective | |
VU22916 Use simple multiples up to 100 | Elective | |
VU22921 Use coins and notes | Elective | |
VU22922 Use simple addition skills | Elective | |
VU22923 Use simple subtraction skills | Elective |