Latrobe Lifeskills is off to a roaring start for 2023 with many events occurring now that everyone has returned from summer holiday breaks and January activities have concluded.  Events in Bendigo and Bundoora have included hosting guest speakers from community organisations, hosting the Ivanhoe Year 9 Community Program for a week and participants being involved with and hosting a BBQ for members of Victoria Police from the Latrobe Lifeskills x Whittlesea Police Academy. We’ve also had visits by Concord School students who are exploring options for 2024 and we have been invited to attend a selection of Expos in both Bendigo and Bundoora giving Latrobe Lifeskills the opportunity to promote our services to school leavers, parents and Support Co-ordinators.
In Bendigo, due to increasing demand we are introducing new activities and exploring more options related to volunteer work. Participants have been consulted about activities that they would like to try in the future to diversify opportunities and create smaller groups to access the community. Information will be forwarded to families over the coming weeks in relation to a new timetable and activity options.
Over the past few weeks, opportunities have been offered to participants who are interested in pre-employment training and numeracy and literacy. We are currently in the process of enrolling participants and look forward to starting training in the next couple of weeks.  There has been keen interest from participants and further opportunities will be offered later in the year.
Latrobe Lifeskills is looking forward to continuing our engagement with the university and the broader community to enhance opportunities for all participants.