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Praise for the Latrobe Lifeskills x Whittlesea Police Academy from Inspector Chris Allen

“I can say, the Police involvement with Latrobe Lifeskills Disability Police Academy has been a really enriching and rewarding experience for each officer who takes part.  Whilst it is run to break down barriers between Police and people in our community who have a disability, we have found it extremely beneficial for our frontline staff involved in the program in enhancing their confidence and familiarity when interacting with people who have a disability.  It really is a win/win experience.  Often, I will get Police Officers approaching me who were involved in the experience requesting they get picked for the next one.  We like to rotate different officers each time so we can ensure a wide base of members go through the experience with the participants.

Our relationship with Martin and his team from Lifeskills has gone from strength to strength.  From initially getting together once a year to celebrate International Day for People with Disability, the Disability Police Academy is now a bi-monthly experience with a reconnection day in the off month where Police attend Lifeskills at La Trobe university to catch up with the participants.  Being involved with the program since inception there is nothing more enjoyable in my job than helping deliver this bespoke experience to the participants.

It is rewarding to see the program has been recognised by Victoria Police as best practice engagement and has recently been deployed organisation-wide for our newly appointed disability liaison officers to consider implementing in their own areas throughout the State.”

Inspector Chris Allen

Whittlesea Police Local Area Commander of Victoria Police

Read more about the Police Academy